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Interaction between medications and Lexicomp


This article will demonstrate the different ways to describe medication delivery methods for drugs with more than one way of delivery, i.e. by way of topical (on top of the skin) or systemic (through the bloodstream) in the Lexicomp database.

Detailed Instructions  

There are important differences depending on how the medication is administered to the body.  To increase clarity and avoid confusion please select the application method i.e. “Systemic” (or internal to the body/blood system), “Topical”, “Ophthalmic”, etc. in the Med Prescribed list."

When there are drugs without information, TDO will be displaying the following message:

"There is no information on one of the drugs listed.  Please click on Details to check which drug has no information.  This might be a drug that was manually added. If there are multiple drugs with the same name try selecting the one before or the one after, then click R on the top to refresh."


Examples of Drug Interactions:

If selecting the following combination:

There is no drug interaction.

Another example of no drug interaction:



If selecting the following combination:

There will be a drug interaction