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Taking X-rays and photos while on Recall Page


If the Recall page is open, it is possible to take a Recall radiograph or picture with one click. This article will cover the details of this feature.

This feature is available in TDO version 12.175b and higher.

Detailed Instructions

  • After ensuring that you have the correct case selected, open the Recall page. From this page, you can click either the Camera or Tooth icon to take a Recall image (either a Picture or a Radiograph) of the tooth.

  • Clicking the camera button will automatically open the Acquire window, select the Recall1 category, and, if you have DSLR Remote Pro installed and integrated with TDO, launch DSLR Remote Pro and attempt to take a picture.

  • Clicking the tooth button will automatically open the Acquire window, select the Recall1 category, and, if you have configured Digital Radiography in the Control Table (v11: [Administrative > Edit Control Table > Workstation Settings > Digital Radiography], v12: [Setup > Site Configuration > Edit Control Table > Workstation Settings > Digital Radiography]), initiate taking a radiograph.

  • Once the image is taken and saved (Save button) in Acquire, it will automatically show in the Recall Page

If Provider needs to take another xray or photo for a different tooth that needs recall, this can be done while Acquire page is still open. Please follow the steps below:

  • Minimize or move Acquire to select the Main Page on TDO, select the other tooth that needs a recall image to be taken

  • Make sure the info in the Recall page is filled out for that tooth as well

  • Since Acquire page is still open, take the xray or photo

  • Once the image is taken and saved (Save button) in Acquire, it will automatically show in the Recall Page