Letters - Patient Statement - customizable template
TDO4Endo.com Support Materials has a downloadable Word Document that will pull the same information as the internal Print Patient Statement in TDO.
Using your Dr’s User login, Log into TDO4endo.com
Select Support Materials
Letter Module Financial Templates
Patient Financial Statement- will run for lifetime of the patient
Patient Financial Statement Date Range- will allow you to specify which date range will show
Select which letter you would like to use, and download the letter
You may need to enable editing in order to Save the Document.
Open your Letters Module in TDO
You may be prompted with a message that Microsoft Word is already running it will need to close the other instance or Word to open Letters
Select Template in letters
Open your Saved word Document either:
Patient Financial Statement
Patient Financial Statement Date Range
Copy the entire Document (ctrl – A, then ctrl-C) and Paste (ctrl-V) into Letters Template.
Select “Save As”
Name the New template
You can now open the template as its own letter to print or email to patients
Making Letter Statement the default path
Open the Edit Control Table
Application Settings > Letters Module Properties> Reports
In the same row as Patients Statements in the “Letters” Column find your recently made Patient Statement Letter.
Make sure the bubble is clicked for Letter
With this Option when you Click on Print Statement in the Ledger, Letter will open you newly made Letter’s Template.