Pain History - Error - question 14 & "bread" typos
We have had reports with issues on the pain history of the patients registration forms displaying as "bread" history and question 14 saying "if you don't touch or cock on it, does it still hurt"
Detailed Instructions
What is happening is the browser is identifying certain instances of the word "pain" as being written in French and it is translating it to the English word, which is bread. The French word bite is cock in English.
This is a browser setting in the patients web browser but can we offer a solution here or somehow identify all instances of the word pain as being the English version already so it doesn't translate it to French and then back to English? What is odd is that it is not all instances of the words pain and bite, not even all in the same question. For example, question 3 will read "If you are in pain now, how long have you been in bread?"
Please advise patients experiencing the issue this is due to the patients clicking on a popup from the Chrome browser that translates the page
Note: Also advise the patients not to use Google Translate on the page since the forms already have translations.
If there are further issues or the issue is being seen by all patients please contact TDO Support. A TDO Cloud Advisor may be able to find an issue with your site, if all patients are experiencing the issue