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Referring Dr Portal


TDO allows referring doctors to use a portal to receive patient care updates, view images, and reports, and make referrals for new and existing patients.


Detailed Instructions

Web ID and Password

In order to access patient reports and images you will need a Web ID and password. Initially, you will be required to create a new password. 
You will see the following page - Click on Forgot your login information


Enter the email address linked to your account. This is the email address we currently use to send you email correspondence. You will then receive an email with instructions as to how to reset your password. If you are in a larger practice with multiple referrers you may wish to co-ordinate these details with your practice manager or administration staff.


Your Portal

Once accessed you can search up your referred patients.


When a report has been completed for a patient, an email with a link to that report. Click on the link in the email, enter your login details and you will go directly to that report.

Online Referrals

Referrals can be made securely via the website portal in the area “Refer patient”
You may choose to refer an existing patient or a new patient. You can also choose which Doctor you would like to refer to. The site will guide you through the process and you have the option of uploading relevant images to the referral. You can also download a summary of the referral detail to include in your own records.


Once a tooth is selected more options to add info is given

Note: Image attachments need to be jpg or jpeg files. NO PDF's. 4MB max for file size. 


Referral Chat - Link with more details

When you click on the Chat tab it will open a new box and show you which staff members are available to chat. Choose the staff member you wish to chat to and a smaller chat box will open. write your message in the lower box. You will receive a reply once the staff member is available.





Referral Chat

Enable "Remember Me" for Referring Doctors on your website

Helping Referring Doctors Reset their Password