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TDO installation - troubleshooting


Please reference the following article when troubleshooting TDO installations and updates. If after trying the below suggestions, TDO is still non-functioning and/or experiencing issues and/or errors, please contact TDO Support for further assistance.




Verification Warnings & Errors

(!) Warnings

If there there are any requirement(s) with a yellow exclamation mark (!) next to it under the Status column, please note that TDO does not recommend the existing setting(s) corresponding to that line item. For additional information, click on the blue hyperlink.

(X) Errors

If there there are any requirement(s) with a red X next to it under the Status column, the installation cannot proceed until all red X(s) are cleared. If you are having difficulties clearing any red X(s), please contact TDO Support.


TDO v11

  • In the event that during the server install there is trouble running the TDO Server Optimizer due to a dependency issue, one solution is to run the TDO installation on the server as a Standalone.

  • If any issues arise with the installation of SQL during the server installation, you may view the log file to troubleshoot further. It is located at: C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\100\Setup Bootstrap\Log

TDO v12

  • If any issues arise with the installation of SQL during the server installation, you may view the log file to troubleshoot further. It is located at: C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\100\Setup Bootstrap\Log


  • If you are unable to find the server directory previously mapped, disable User Account Controls and reboot the computer, then re-run the installer.
  • If you receive a message that there is no database file found in that directory, verify that the Patients.mdf file on the server has the proper permissions and Everyone has a full read/write access.
  • If you receive a message that TDO.mdw could not be opened, reboot the computer and rerun the installer.



#TDO #Install #Installation #Update #v12 #v11 #Version #Troubleshooting #Verify #Verification #Warnings #Errors